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The Dot (below) is one of my favorite books for elementary kids and some middle schoolers. It may be your favorite, as well. If you’re new to The Dot, you’re in for a treat.

I’ve re-designed it into a reader’s theater piece for you and your kids. It’s organized for four readers. Two people, however, could easily read it doing two parts.

It’s quite an easy book, but it has interesting vocabulary and language targets, for example, the multiple-meanings of “set” and “splash,” and the idiom “glued to her chair,” etc.

It offers interesting phrases, and good opportunities for verbal interaction, facial expressions, and movement. I love the meaning and moral within the story: Just try.

If you have non-readers, do echo reading with them. You say the phrase or sentence and they repeat. In doing so, they get a sense of language use, reading fluency, and feel included.

Reader’s theater tasks are excellent. They encourage focusing and staying on task, as well as syntax practice, vocabulary-play (using replacement synonyms), articulation practice, auditory memory, etc., etc.

Reader’s theater also happens to fun!

Enjoy, and thanks, again,

Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP
“Therapy Matters”

P.S. Here’s the Link to “The Dot” book on Amazon.com.


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